Thursday, July 22, 2010

The focus on power industry may be much more efficient than that of implementing laws to stop environmental pollution

Public concern rising over the past decade about the impact of air pollution on the environment, pressure is mounting on national and supranational governments need to take action to slow down the pace of climate change and improve air quality.

The spotlight has fallen on a much easier target – the power industry than that of implementing politically unpopular measures to tackle pollution from automobiles. In spite of Western European countries being considered as highly developed by global standards, utilities in a number of countries were only required to comply with fairly lax environmental standards, usually citing the defense that to place tough restrictions on the power industry which could harm the country in question’s ability to economic competence.

The EU has come forward to take some steps as they always do. This situation has now been challenged by the European Union (EU), which has passed a series of laws designed to reduce emission levels of greenhouse gases. Other factors like the introduction of emissions trading and higher electricity prices have created the best investment climate for power infrastructure spending for a number of years.

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